Garth O Dallas

Legal | Diversity & Inclusion | Business Consultancy | Sustainability


Director, Dallas Consulting


Phone: 0151 701 0100

Mobile: 07793 771275



  • FRSA - Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts

  • LLM - Masters Degree in Law

  • LPC - Legal Practice Course  (final vocational stage of training to become a qualified solicitor)

  • CPE - Common Professional Examination (Law Conversion Graduate Degree)

  • MBA - Masters Degree in Business Administration

  • MSc - Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering

  • BSc - Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering

I have helped many businesses grow sustainably by maximising the potential of their people and connections. I specialize in helping businesses develop strategies that focus on making a positive impact on people, places, and the planet, across multiple industries.

My company and I help organisations realise the business value of integrating sustainability by developing and implementing strategies to save money, increase brand value, reduce risk and engage their stakeholders and employees. I combine my many years of experience in Business Law, Employment Law & HR, Workplace Diversity and inclusion, and Corporate Social Responsibility with my practical and successful experience of setting up and scaling up SME businesses to allow them to be profitable and sustainable. Businesses that create impact at scale through what they do and how they do it will generate value for everyone.

I exist to make this happen. Not by shouting and screaming, that’s not my style. I build trust with you and your stakeholders, combining evidence and conviction to create a compelling case for action.

In a consulting role, I was the Head of Collaborations for The Good Business Festival and the Good Small Business Champion for the Liverpool City Region’s Growth Platform, Good Small Business Programme from January 2020 to March 2022.

Since November 2021 I have been a Non-Executive Director at Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, one of the world’s leading hospitals for children and young people, treating everything from common illnesses to highly complex and specialist conditions.

I am also Chairperson of the Liverpool Commonwealth Association a non-profit organisation that represents the interests of businesses (public, private and charities), individuals, and groups from a Commonwealth background within the Liverpool City Region, by acting as a connectivity platform with the 56 countries in the Commonwealth that are keen to collaborate and trade with the UK.

I also hold Trustee positions at The Belong Cohesion and Integration Network a highly renowned registered social cohesion and integration charity; and Luma Creations, an Arts and Cultural Organisation promoting Latin American and Diversity Arts and Artists.

I serve as Advisory Member on two strategic Boards, namely the University of Liverpool’s Centre for Sustainable Business, a hub of actionable research insights, that supports businesses and policymakers in finding solutions to the climate emergency and social justice issues; and The African Business Chamber, a support organisation for UK-based African to accelerate innovation, trade and investments between Africa and the global economies.

In addition to my professional work I have also offered my time and expertise on several Liverpool Boards and Committees, including Liverpool Commonwealth Games 2022 Bid Board, Liverpool Special Olympics Games 2021 Bid Board and Netball World Cup 2019 (Liverpool) Legacy Board.

Additionally, in my role as a long-standing member of Liverpool City Council’s Culture, Tourism and Sport Select Committee between 2017 and 2023, I have maintained strong connections and provided exemplary support to the development of Liverpool’s strategic policy across various portfolios, particularly in relation to diversity, social inclusion and community engagement best practices.

Since 2015, I have served as an Amassador for Liverpool Central Libraries, with responsibility for promoting this famous library nationally and internationally. I am also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).

Oh, before I forget: I am currently completing a PhD in Business Management at Liverpool Business School, Faculty of Business and Law, Liverpool John Moores University. My research explores the Social and Solidarity Economy as an alternative economic system to neo-liberalism.